TEAM NM: WFH Rituals (What we do at home!)

It's been three-four weeks into the circuit breaker and we thought of sharing with you ladies some of the things that we have been doing while working from home! Working from home not only enables us to have more time to get in touch with our pastimes but also allows us to spend more time with our family! It is truly a therapeutic time whether it's to yourself or your family as a whole :)

Referencing from the above image, goofing around and doing work basically go hand in hand for Shermaine! *just kiddddss* She's actually pretty focused when she has started on one thing and will complete her work before she heads on to other stuff! This is because she is quite forgetful and will tend to forget what is needed in the particular task if she moved on to other stuff! So, her scope of work includes creation of marketing collateral, blog-writing, social media updates, and liaising with our partners for giveaways and such!
A favourite part of working from home is to mask while doing work! Skincare is a major part of her life because she's not blessed with smooth and soft baby skin! Also, with age comes wrinkles, peeling skin and many more. And she has been loving this trio mask pack from @freshbeauty. Her favourite is the Black Tea Instant Perfecting Mask, followed by the Rose Face Mask, and then the Lotus Youth Preserve Rescue Mask.
Working from home also provides her with more time to get back into her long-lost pastime, and that is reading. She loves philosophical books such as The Alchemist from Paulo Coelho, inspirational books such as The Courage to be Disliked by Fumitake Koga and Ichiro Kishimi, mysteries from Agatha Christie (inspired by her sister), and fantasy fiction such as the 3-part book series by Jessica Day George: Dragon Slippers, Dragon Flight, and Dragon Spear. Lately, she is into this book: Contagious (Why things catch on) by Jonah Berger, reading about why certain things and certain brands make a more lasting impression and how do things go viral.
What encompasses of Yenser's work at home are mostly editing photos, the creation of necessary visuals, scheduling EDMs and so on!
And here's what the chef of the team has been doing at home! She has been trying to cook up different cuisines at home! You may find below for her recipes!
Chinese Cuisine Teochew Steam Pomfret Fish
Fry Soy sauce pork (Actually is my mum's recipe, easy to cook & really tasty)
Ingredients : Garlic (5 slices), Light soy sauce, Dark soy sauce, Pork belly,
Sugar, salt.
First wait for the pan to heat & add some oil into the pan. Add garlic and pork belly into the pan and fry together add dark soy sauce & light soy sauce
And some water in to cook around 15 mins then it’s done!
Teriyaki Chicken Chop
Ingredients : Bone-less skin-on chicken thighs, The basic teriyaki sauce is made of 4 simple ingredients: soy sauce, sake, mirin, and sugar (but you can also buy the ready Teriyaki sauce)
Butter Garlic Cod fish
Ingredients : Butter, TRu-BLU Garlic butter, a slice of codfish, Salt & pepper
Pancake premix (Betty Crocker)
Add the premix flour, water, milk & one egg (depends on how much flour u add)
Mix well together. PS: use a non sticky pan & small fire only
Jiahwee's work revolves around administration matters and office operatives. She handles matters such as logistics, product-related stuff and inventory matters.
JH is currently stuck on this show: Youth With You - it is the third season of the Chinese survival show, Idol Producer. The show captures the pulse of contemporary pop culture and gives it a positive value of meaning, with a youthful attitude of "interpreting self" and "not defining self", showing the mentality and struggle of the girls when facing their dreams. Through the program, the audience can see the persistent efforts of young people, the youth passion released in the struggle, and the realization of the value of life on the road to dream. Ultimately, only nine their of 109 of all trainees will be selected through viewers' votes and debut as a girl band.
We hope you enjoy reading about what we have been doing lately! Feel free to share with us what you have been doing so we can perhaps also add it into our routines :)
With love,
Team NM